With the Phoenix Gaymers!
The City's longest running drag brunch and the ONLY drag brunch in Melrose. Arizona's funniest queen, Barbra Seville welcomes special guests weekly as they lip sync, sh*t talk, and trade […]
It's 2-4-1 Tuesday at Charlie's Phoenix with 2-4-1 Drinks ALL DAY & NIGHT!!! Taco Tuesday! Charlie's Tacos is open at 7:00pm - 2:00am with $1 TACOS 7:00pm - 10:00pm!!! Then Sing […]
Promptly at 6pm be there early!
No Shirt gets you $1 off your drink order Ladies too. Free 6pm Dinner Pool all day! 8pm Pool Tournament $3 Well and Domestics 5 - 8pm $5 Bud/Bud Light […]
Kick off Friday night with a little leather and a lotta carbs! Join us at The Anvil for a Leather Happy Hour & Pizza Party as part of the Mr. […]
This is the beta preview of the new GayPHX.com